Mark met Ksenija in 2010 and by the looks of it, they hit it off with sunshine and smiles! At least, that’s what the picture shows.
However, a week before their blind date, Mark learned of a suicide in his family that sent him into a downward spiral of sadness and depression. Ksenija was a Godsend and immediately encouraged Mark to see a therapist and invited him to come to church with her. Although Mark was initially reluctant, he decided to move forward with both of her suggestions.
One year before meeting Mark, Ksenija had called off an engagement with a great guy she loved but felt God calling her to walk a different path. Through therapy and a period of loneliness, she trusted her intuition and waited things out.
As they dated, one of the things they loved to do was go on walks. They would walk their dog, Jones, while talking about life, their future together, and their love for encouraging others. They walked together most nights after dinner, even on days when they were tired or had an argument, knowing that walking would always help move things along. They continued their walking habit when Ksenija became pregnant and even adopted another dog named Ollie to join their pack.
Fast forward 14 years, they now have three dogs, two kids, have moved twice, and still go to therapy and church together. : ) They are teaching their kids the importance of walking forward, even when the path in front of them is uncertain.
Our hearts are dedicated to helping others through the power of walking forward for healing and growth. The journal, encouraging quotes, and the challenge to walk for 15 minutes a day has been a great way to jumpstart people who are feeling stuck, anxious, or discouraged.
Now, hundreds of people have joined the movement to Walk Forward and we are glad that you, too, are one of them.
Keep walking!